Microcare Speech Therapy Super Speciality Clinic

Microcare Speech Therapy Super Speciality Clinic

The Microcare Speech Pathology Clinic offers comprehensive services to children and adults who suffer from communication disorders of speech.


Areas of speech disorders specialty include the following:

Articulation and phonological disorders
Problem in making sounds (articulation disorders) and problem in putting sounds together to speak (phonological disorders)

Cognitive communication disorders
Cognitive communication disorders involve problems with your child’s thinking processes that affect communication, attention, memory, reasoning and problem-solving.

Fluency disorders
When the natural flow of speech is affected children may stutter or stammer when they speak. Children who have trouble for six months or longer need support should see a speech and language pathologist.

Reading, writing and literacy problems
When Speech and language disorders affect the ability to understand, read and write.

Receptive and expressive language disorders
Receptive language disorders: Children with these disorders have trouble understanding spoken and written language; Expressive language disorders: trouble using language to communicate their ideas and questions. Some children have both problems.

Autism spectrum disorders and social communication
Autism may be with mild to severe disorders. Children with autism are affected in different ways, affects the way a child behaves, thinks, communicates and interacts with others.

Swallowing and Feeding disorders
Provide swallowing evaluations and treatment when problems with speech and language occur along with problems in eating or swallowing.

Motor speech disorders
When have problems coordinating the muscle movements needed to produce speech.
Resonance and airflow disorders like with cleft palate or velopharyngeal problems
Velopharyngeal Insufficiency (VPI) means air escapes into your child nose during speech leading to difficulty in producing certain sounds. Many children with VPI have cleft palate; some have other structural problems of their face or skull.
Severe communication impairment
When children have profound impairment of the ability to communicate verbally with words should seek speech language therapist.
Voice disorders
Children with voice disorders may have hoarse voice, breathy or high pitched or low pitched voice than usual or they may have lost their voices.

Microcare ENT Hospital is one of the Top Speech Therapy Hospitals in Hyderabad and Offer Speech Therapy in Hyderabad at very low cost.

Team Of Speech Therapists

Microcare Speech Language Pathology team is the most comprehensive team in Hyderabad, India.

Our Speech and Language Pathology Department provides services to children, adolescents and adults who have experienced a loss of communication of speech.

Clinic For Adult Communication Disorders

The Microcare Speech and Language Pathology Super Speciality Clinic has been widely recognized for its excellent programs dealing with adult communication disorders resulting from a brain injury, voice problems, swallowing disorders.

Adult speech and language conditions we treat are:

  • Brain trauma (stroke, brain tumour, disease, traumatic incident, critical illness myopathy, etc.)
  • Motor speech disorders (multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s, Bell’s palsy, etc.)
  • Dementia (Alzheimer’s, vascular, primary progressive aphasia, frontal-temporal, etc.)
  • Swallowing disorders (dysphagia)
  • Trismus
  • Stuttering
  • Laryngectomy (head and neck cancer)
  • Voice and laryngeal disorders (spasmodic dysphonia, vocal nodules, etc)
  • Speech and resonance disorders
  • Accent reduction program
  • Augmentative and alternative communication

Individual patients may also get benefit from occupational therapy, recreational therapy, physical therapy or social work.

Clinic For Communication Disorders In Children

Speech and Language communication disorders treated at MicroCare Speech and Language Pathology Super Speciality Clinic are

  • Childhood speech and language delay: a communication disorder that results in developmental delays and difficulties in the ability to produce speech.
  • Developmental apraxia/dyspraxia of speech
  • Phonological process disorders
  • Autism spectrum disorders
  • Pragmatic disorders
  • Cleft palate
  • Stuttering
  • Down syndrome
  • Orofacial myology
  • Cochlear implant
  • Traumatic brain injury

Neurological disorders resulting in speech, language and swallowing/feeding impairments

Diagnosis, Evaluation And Treatment Services

Our speech-language pathologists at MicroCare Speech and Language Pathology Super Speciality Clinic use standardized testing to evaluate a variety of speech and language conditions.

We also perform diagnostic studies for different disorders that provide objective results.

Fibre optic Endoscopic Evaluation of Swallowing (FEES): child swallowing movements are viewed through an endoscopic camera gently inserted through the nose.

Video Stroboscopy: This procedure is done to evaluate and diagnosis of voice disorders that allows our speech-language pathologists to see your child vocal folds, how they are functioning and any lesions that may be present.

Our trained and experienced speech language pathology team make individualized treatment plans to address your child specific needs. These treatment plans may include any of our specialized services like:

  • Auditory processing assessment and treatment: for disorders affecting language development and reading or academic performance
  • Prompt technique for apraxia
  • Cognitive training: for school or community re-entry after a head injury or traumatic brain injury
  • Voice Therapy: Evaluation and treatment for voice disorders in children, adolescents and teens
  • Therapeutic feeding and swallowing treatment
  • Augmentative/alternative communication assessment and training
  • Treatment for autism
  • Auditory-Verbal Therapy for children with mild through profound hearing loss

Intensive Stuttering Therapy

Microcare Two-Week Intensive Stuttering Therapy for Adults and Adolescents (Ages 15 and Older)

MicroCare speech language pathologists have worked with hundreds of individuals who stutter and have multiple years of experience in treating stuttering or stammering.

Stuttering is a disorder of speech motor control that demands a multidimensional treatment approach. The disorder of stuttering is not just the stuttering but it also involves a lifetime of dealing with the anxiety, social avoidances and failures in their jobs caused by the stuttering.

The goals of the MicroCare Intensive Stuttering Therapy are:

  • Manage stress and anxiety related to stuttering and speaking
  • Learn new speaking skills without stuttering that facilitate fluent speech
  • Reduce number and severity of stuttering movements
  • Practicing of learned techniques in real life situations
  • Increase self-confidence